Mothers are ‘Gods on earth’

Hajji Roshan Khan
6 min readMay 10, 2021


MOTHERS are undoubtedly “Gods on earth,” fulfilling Almighty God’s instructions to continue the creation of humanity for perpetuity. Mothers are the creators of human civilizations today; they are the creator of man himself.

As the Grand Creationist, Almighty God created one man and one woman: Adam and Eve. In the womb of Eve, the womb of the woman, all of creation was born. This is a fact that many men, sons, and daughters must accept and comprehend: our existence today is due to them being known as mother/woman!

If the woman dies or becomes extinct, society, mankind, and the whole world would come to an end. Both in the animal world, and even in plant life, there is a female in all species. So, if this supreme entity dies, all of the female eggs and gametes would also die, and the world would perish as a result.

Over the years, I have written many “poetries in action” as I like to call them. My poetries do not rhyme, but they express the emotions, reality, and value of womanhood. In one of my pieces on women, I stated that she “carries the life of the universe in her womb.” In it, I likened the weight to the pains associated with a child’s development in the womb: the butting, kicking, sicknesses, hits, etc., and if there is a lack of adequate nutrition, the infant in its embryonic stage will extract vitamins, nutrients, etc. from the mother’s organs, tissues, her bones and even teeth.

Yet, it irks this writer when some sons and daughters will hurt their mothers, physically, emotionally, and at times unleash the nastiest of words on her to hurt her soul. In another “poetry in action” of mine, I said, “and yet the mother will cry out to the Creator, Lord God of the world for her child’s forgiveness and salvation. Even when she passes on, she fights with God for the continued protection and salvation of her child despite that same child being unkind to her in her life.

This is the grandeur, the strength, the power of womanhood. For it is that body which gives man the greatest pleasure, for which at times it is known in history that man has kidnapped and/or murdered for the cause of a woman. Kings even overthrew other kingdoms for the cause of a woman, and another woman, and another, and another. Sadly, her beauty and the joys that her body gives to men sometimes work in her own pains and travails.

How unfortunate it is that we continue to see cruelty unleashed on some wives, daughters of other fathers and mothers. I have seen some of their tears that appeared to wash away their souls. Marks on their bodies that will last a lifetime. I have seen men who put women out on the streets, men who would chop them, punch them, chop off their noses, ears, and more, out of sheer cruelty. Imagine, such barbaric acts to the same woman whose body they gloat over for pleasure and whose body will create their offspring. Just imagine!!!
Oh sons and daughters, progeny of maa, do not molest her, do not hurt her for when a mother speaks, God listens. This is so because women/mothers fulfil the mind of God in the creation of man and the replenishment of the universe.

Ladies and gentlemen, friends and families, brothers and sisters, I reiterate that mothers are “Gods on earth!” Honour her; worship her in dignity and joy.

I wrote a powerful “poetry in action” about cruelty to women and I hope in time, that the editors of various newspapers will see it fit to publish it for mass edification. It entails some history of brutalities in Guyana and even brutalities that I saw my own mother endure. Some of her stories and that of mine is in that poetry. However, as a day of celebration for most people around the world, this day, Mother’s Day, is set aside by secular society to celebrate a one great day, even though every day is Mother’s Day. However, it is also remembered by most religious people that while every day is Mother’s Day, today is a day set aside to celebrate this divine being with more splendour, more joy, more gratefulness, and more worship.

I say no more as I share with you a beautiful “poetry in action” that came to my heart and into my mind from the universe. I thank my God, Creator Lord God of the Worlds for these words which I wish to share with you here today. I penned it for my own mother, Hajin Latifan Khan and I have decided to share it with you all. Here is my piece:

“As the Sun spread its ray’s of life,
I asked for words for her, for Maa
and the Universe unfolded its words into my mind…

Blessed day mom
but not only today
Forever in the past
Forever in the future
Even beyond this earth in paradise

The seed you planted,
the soul you created by God’s finger,
That quaked in the womb of glory
In your Holy treasured heart…
This child was born…

Me, Haji. Roshan Khan,
I bow to your presence, your Divine existence.
I stand humbled before you and my God…
my architect of destiny…
… my mother, our mothers.
The She!!!

My mamma bore the pain so I may live and breathe
That I may see… far…Be far… serene!
Achieve high, touch the sky, climb the high mountain,
See the future.

Be the success her eyes saw as she cavorted with the universe
so her son, rejected and pained,
tormented and strained;
Through virtual battles with God,
So that her son can touch the spark and power of God.
and God may know, woman, mother speaks, so he listens.
While the son grew with blows, and words, and expulsions…
In abuse and tears!
That he may smile through her travails!!! Her pains!!!
HER CHILD may shine in Glory.

Her words, as I pen, my hair stands on end and my thoughts travel the Astral Plane.
Mom, my love….my MAA travels with me.

I saw her writhe with pain in her heart, and pains on her body, as her child, taking life, accepting,
accepting so her noor (light) of Allah,
Her Light (Rosh) may LIVE, with the power of God!

My beloved Divine Maa
The Holy YOU… Seer
And with him not there, you created me.
You molded with your heart and womb…
your thought and wish…

As I delivered my promise in 1973…
as I departed to study, you begged…
“Oh my dear son, never consume alcohol!
It is a potion of evil.
Oh my son, be ever humble.
Oh my beloved light of life,
never betray my hopes, my son.
Walk the Earth with grace and humanity, serve your God and people…..
You were born in harshness! Raised in pain!
You were raised with power and fire in your heart,
with wounds on your body …steady…
With my love and sweat as your balm of healing, my tears, and prayers.
My son, never smoked a cigarette, or illegal things.
Stay from bad company, for bad company spoils useful habits.
But cherish hard work, sacrifice and by the sweat of THY brow,
ye shall earn thy bread…
I have spoken to your God and mine.

and that when they make you fall,
… I promise you my LIGHT! MY ROSH! MY SON!
I will fight for you from even the other side of the grave.
You are my beloved, Divine son and I will always be with you.
I, your Mom, who cried and laughed with you.
And cried more. And more… even more …
will laugh with you even from the heavens….”

Friends and families, Hajin Latifan lives. I am blessed that at 90, I have her, my Mother, Hajin Latifan to worship and kiss her feet and hands. This writer at 66 today, as she lives to enjoy her vision of her son, her Kamal Krishna…The Lotus of Krishna… her ROSH (LIGHT OF HER LIFE).

Our beloved Prophet of Islam taught: PARADISE LIES AT THE FEET OF THY MOTHER…

And so, while the world celebrates Mother’s Day once yearly, for me, every day is Mother’s Day.

Haji Dr. Roshan Khan Snr.



Hajji Roshan Khan
Hajji Roshan Khan

Written by Hajji Roshan Khan

Articles on My Words, My Vision , My Thoughts.

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