Dear editor,
The decision to shut down a country or a city is a very serious one and need not to be done at the whim and fancy of Mayors or Officials in charge. Might I ask how will people get paid? How will our citizens eat? I have observed that Pandit Ubraj Narine has been subjected to a great deal of criticism, mockery and humiliation. In my opinion this is most unfair as many who are critiquing him are doing so because they might not share his political alliance and choices. It has to be understood that the very way a man can fall in love with a woman that another might not appreciate, that very way anyone might have varying choices; inclusive of political choices, His Worship Mayor Ubraj Narine is entitled to his choices.
It might be noteworthy to point out also that people are mocking him because of his diction. It is unfortunate that our societies and some people in our country are like this. They do not know a person’s heart and love for their city or country at large and of course the difficulties they might have experienced during childhood and life. I implore you to look at the work of the individual, the exemplary dispensation and management that the youth has been able to deliver. Look at his work with the eyes of justice and fairness not with the constant eye of disagreement and condemnation. He is bereft of corruption and accusations of corruption.
Pandit Ubraj Narine stated that he will not make an individual decision to shut the city down, he however indicated that he will work with the Government of the day to make such a decision (whomever is proven to be the Government of the day) for a collaborative decision on locking down the city of Georgetown simply because Georgetown is the heartbeat of Guyana. Sadly some of our people out of emotionality and prejudice do not seem to comprehend the wisdom of the gentleman. I have known Panditji, His Worship, the Mayor since he was a little boy and his behaviors was always meritorious and one of great enthusiasm and love for country and those who have been kind to him. It is a known fact that one of his mentors and relative was close to the PNC and he was the recipient of kindness from the same gentleman. It is also known that whoever helped the PNC in some way, regardless of race and religion is never forgotten when they hold the reins of power. With this in mind I am asking the people of Guyana to be fair and elegant in dealing with this gentleman, do not try to break his heart, do not try to place this youth in a position of shame simply because he may not be of your political persuasion.
Yours truly, me the undersigned, also am a person who believes in justice and fair play for all Guyanese, for all ethnicities and religion but of course some people abuse and curse me on social media simply because I am critical of an aspect of life and of recent GECOM and because of my critique of the officials of GECOM I am being demeaned with accusation of racism; such shame and sadness. Many people cannot keep on point with a debate but will quickly use words to embarrass while in reality it puts them in a position of disgrace and shame.
Locking down a city or country is a very serious matter which will be dealt with in another correspondence by me to the people of Guyana and to the relevant authorities of law enforcement. Let us think love, joy, peace and goodness, Oh Guyana. Oh my beautiful Guyana, oh my lovely native land….I love you so much.