Divine inspiration on the night of Guyana’s 2015 elections.
I awoke early on May 11, 2015. I felt fresh and thought it was about 5:00 a.m. As I did my ablution ritual (Islamic wash in preparation for prayers), I noticed that the time on the clock was just about 1:30 a.m.
I was surprised, but as I felt so fresh, I decided to say some voluntary ‘Tahajud’ or ‘Tahassud’ prayers, which are highly recommended. The Qur’an says prayers make angels descend on the servant/worshipper.
Then I tried to sleep, but I felt even fresher and could not. I had many things on my mind: I had to work on my book. I had to meditate and remember God; reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth while standing, sitting or lying on my sides as the Qur’an says.
I reflected on my children: bright, good-looking, intelligent and talented. I am blessed! I prayed for them and their future in my morning prayers, as any good parent.
A thought occurred to me: Can there ever be a perfect parent? I strived to be a model father and husband. Am I? Can anyone ever be, with all our different likes, dislikes, different minds, different thoughts, and different personalities?
Then I spoke to God for my dear wife and partner: Latchmin Muzeefa (Goddess of Wisdom, Light, Knowledge and Wealth/One who believes in God), my advisor and blessing. She is a special child of God, a blessing in my life, a healer of pains, as well as my dearest friend!
My thoughts started unfolding. I reflected on the universe and the sciences of magical proportions embedded there, within the atmosphere. The air nestled in space, that wonderful, celestial power roaming, bestowing its astounding benefits as a holy benefactor.
The Power of the Wind and Air:
Yet we pollute the air. We forget that the Qur’an describes air as ‘The Fertilising Wind’. When it blows, it’s natural, refreshing, healing energies touch our lips, our bodies, our lovely skin, we sign a breath of nostalgia and get lost in the natural aroma of freshness from paradise! As if sent by the personal, divine hand of God to you and me!
With the air, the wind, the power of majesty, gravity, holds the planet in place. And the mother energy “JIVA”, the master energy-force, transcends the planetary amalgam and the galaxies as they expand as a nourishing, natural energy of wonder and exuberance, of which earthly science knows very little.
Yes! Yes! Yes!.. That same wind with its powers, taken for granted, messed with by man; the same air with the life-giving oxygen, without which we cannot live for a minute.
That same wind, and yes, the thing man calls space, powers the natural, multi-dimensional ‘fiber-optic’ that transport out voices in the winds from one end of the earth to the other.
That same air transport our images, voices, and sound through digital manipulation from one end to another, to and from little devices called wireless radios, cell phones, and satellite communications into radios, televisions, bringing information, religious messages, propaganda, conspiracies.
Yes, that same wind, the periscope of light rays used as weapons of death or instruments of life in science: lasers for the military and the surgeons; for the surveillance of populations and even their control. In the air, magical wonders continue to be discovered.
That same medium is used by saints in meditation to transport thoughts and messages from the time immemorial, without modern technology. The same wind is the vessel by which the wisdom of the sciences and revelations travel to individuals or scientific discoveries.
All these come from the heavens via the air, the universe, at the right moment in time. For the generation of the time, prepped by nature, there are revelations of moral guidance and techniques to commune with God and rise to great spiritual heights. Like Solomon of Biblical times, travel with the wind and collect thoughts and wisdom from the air.
Gamma Rays: I reflected on gamma rays. They are powerful and good, yet dangerous. Ultraviolet light, used by man and harvested for his benefit, was always there in the atmosphere.
Ha! Ha! At times the discoverer thinks he is the Creator but its The Power he discovers.
That instrument of God; the x-rays were discovered by man! Yes, not invented, discovered by accident. Was it really? Or was it a thing whose time had come; something that came to us at the right time of human civilization? and by Decree!
Ozone Layer: My thoughts turned to the ozone layer: that bombarded invisible membrane made of a combination of air and light, the embryonic sac that protects; the invisible shield that houses its child, the divine life-giver called ‘Earth’.
No wonder some people worship spaceships. Mother Earth is unique in our galaxy! Rupured, pierced by iron and fire for man’s quest to move to the stars for knowledge, for future habitation in time to come.
In air, that ozone layer is a magical membrane of empowered natural light and gasses that repairs itself and protects; but for how long?
Grass: Next, I reflected on the grass that keeps on growing. More and more varieties of grass keep growing as natural nourishment for the animals that give us milk, meat, giving cushioning comfort for animals to rest. As the grass grows it asks not for water or attention, yet it grows. We burn it; we spray it, we poison it! Yet it grows and bows to the same ‘fertilizing wind’ that blows everywhere in service to man and animal.
But more…Aha! much more, dear people, it houses millions, teeming millions of life-form within it, on it, under it. The birds, or air visitors, would descend and eat from its providence, but they never hurt or destroy it. They use different sections at different times but never abuse it.
Grass speaks to man; some cannot hear. Man walks on it; man enjoys its sight, feel refreshed, but does not give thanks for it resplendent glory and service.
“… grass can bless you and take your message to God because all forms of Creation, animate and inanimate are alive and they worship God!…”
Yet it continues to grow and serve. It asks nothing, gets nothing and gives everything. The grass, useless and left wasted, gives power to the wind for the breath and sustenance of man.
The oxygen from the grass gives man life. Yes, that useless, abused, baseless thing called grass. Let us reflect on grass and think of its power, think of its services to man.
How can man-yes and you and me -live without this thing that we abuse and sully?
From our food, our meats, to our breathing and living, this simple thing (yes, grass!) is vital for man’s existence.
The sugar-cane is grass: from sugar-cane grass comes energizing molasses and sugar as natural sweeteners. It also gives the seductive elixir of the exciting dance-of-death called alcohol. The sweet versus the bitter: make your choice, man!
Food, yes from grass, the rice plant grows in abundant varieties, for every choice and taste. The wheat; the barely, the corn. Think! Name them. These are grasses without man cannot exist.
Address the grass with humble respect next time you walk on it. Look at it in awe; bow to it; touch it and ask it for blessings. The simple grass, a creation of God, can speak. Listen carefully. You will hear it address you. And yes, respect it.
Can you hear it whispering? I do! It is singing a melody of man’s fortune, and the paradigm of man’s ingratitude.
The Oceans / The Water: Then I reflected on the oceans, the waters! AHHHHHHH!!!!!! Let us leave my reflections for some other time. Am I beginning to write a book …. another one? Should I?
Speak to me, air! Speak to me, grass! Inspire me, oh great universal God!
Click the Link Below to be redirected to my Offical YouTube Page for a reading on the Electric Mosque’s presentation on the teachings of Islam on this very Article